Plushenko's Interview


I know they do this element at practice, but they don’t risk including it in the program. That’s the new judging system. Before, everyone tried to risk, and now, many are satisfied with what they learned well. If Weir and Buttle don’t try for more, that means they are afraid to lose their current position. That’s not the first position.



Joubert, Weir, Buttle, Sandhu, Goebel – I don’t single out anyone. All those guys are similarly dangerous. Everyone was his strong and week side. Some spin great but not too strong in jumps. Some got the quads but can’t spin and not too strong artistically.



I don’t understand why Joubert is set as Plushenko’s main rival. It would be more fair if it were Stefan Lambiel. He is gifted skater all-around. I can say responsibly and without emotion - in skating quality, spins, footwork and artistic expressiveness, he is stronger than Joubert. With that, Lambiel’s second mark in the free program was four points lower. Nothing changed. Judging just like it was before. Judges are free in their likes and dislikes as before. And just like before, the second mark is the tool to express their likes and dislikes. So what, then it’s Joubert. I’m ready for pressure.
